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wild soulmates

You probably already understand that WLDWLK is not just fashion, but a life attitude. For us, it’s not only about what we wear on our bodies, but mainly what we have in our hearts. We make and live WLDWLK all at once. :) Therefore, I decided to make a wild series about wild women, nomads in body and soul.


Every wild soul that inspires us, supports us and sees the world in a similar way is a joy. Our conversations with each other enrich me. This doesn’t involve confirming a shared opinion, but rather the opposite. I always learn something new, discover unexpected or obscured remnants of thoughts, dreams, visions, ideas, perspectives on life and the world. I see how many undreamed-of possibilities that the path we tread has.


I think that everything is worth sharing.



Rider in body and soul. 

Bike, freeride or surf, it doesn’t matter! 

Her passion for sport and wild nature won out over all else, so she quit her 9-to-5 job to fulfil her dreams on her travels between the mountains and the ocean with her dog, Sarítka.



Author of the project Na stejné cestě. Traveler through life. A woman who loves nature, mountains and adventure. She inspires other wild people to push their boundaries and develop a love of travel, the joy of freedom and connection with the wild.


The founder and wild heart of the WILD WALK brand. Dog mom, nomadic soul with the spirit of a Tasmanian devil who loves to create and be outdoors. Lover of board sports, Frisbee and recycled art. With her dogs and Crohn's disease, she travels through life wherever the wilderness takes her breath.


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Neurobiologist, illustrator, barista with a passion for Asian culture, skate, visual arts, sleeping and home office under the sun. When she's not doing yoga at sunrise, she's giving workshops for baristas or developing her crypto skills. She exchanged her life in the Finnish metropolis for the one in Prague - she simply knows that she cannot live without it.


Neurobiologist, illustrator, barista with a passion for Asian culture, skate, visual arts, sleeping and home office under the sun. When she's not doing yoga at sunrise, she's giving workshops for baristas or developing her crypto skills. She exchanged her life in the Finnish metropolis for the one in Prague - she simply knows that she cannot live without it.


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